Boothbay planning board approves 1 application, tables 3
The Boothbay Planning Board on March 20 approved one of four applications. Kristen L. Laguerre and Renee E. Laguerre III of Sudbury, Massachusetts received a permit for repairing a pier, landing, stairs, ramp and a float. The property is on Elbow Road in a coastal residential and shoreland overlay zone. Ellie Oberink of Flycatcher, LLC of Yarmouth represented the couple.
The remaining three applications were tabled. Dennis and Kathryn Rochford sought approval for making repairs to a pier. Alex Rioux of Rioux and Sons Construction represented the couple. The application was tabled after board members requested more information. Applicants were advised to raise their pier four feet above the highest astronomical tide point and present construction and sediment erosion control plans.
The property is at Mariner Way in a coastal residential and shoreland overlay zone.
Jacalyn and Peter Kamenstein of East Boothbay requested approval to rebuild a bridge. Lucinda Tilas of Chesterfield Associates, Inc. of Westport Island represented the couple. The board made two requests. One is providing proof demonstrating the bridge could withstand weight of an emergency vehicle (a fire truck) and submitting an erosion sediment control plan. The property is in a coastal residential and shoreland overlay zone.
The Jennifer W. Teschner Credit Shelter Trust of Toledo, Ohio sought approval to repair shoreline with riprap. Steve Roberge of SJR Engineering represented the trust. The board placed only one condition on approval: A sediment erosion control plan.
The board meets next at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 17 in the conference room.