Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club

Tue, 02/20/2018 - 8:00am

Two of our good friends and past members have sailed their final voyage during the past weeks. Lee Yereance and Charles Barker are gone but never forgotten by their good friends at BHYC.

Lee was a multi decorated Army Air Corps veteran, local businessman and contributor to many community activities and, with his late wife (of 70 years) Mickey, were both regular contributors to BHYC activities, especially the potluck suppers.

Charles was active in BHYC activities right up through last season and your scribe will attest that perhaps, over the years, only the Barkers were on their boat in our mooring field more often than the Chapmans, the Atwoods, the Hunts, and the Holmes’. Charles and Betty loved Boothbay Harbor, loved sailing, loved people, and are loved by all. Many did not know that he was a meteorologist but he kept an eye on the clouds and knew when and where to sail at all times. Charles was a regular participant in the men’s sailing effort from its very inception. Our sincere sympathy to Betty and their daughter Ann.

I mentioned the Chapmans and Peggy was good enough to give us an update on the weekly gatherings which take place throughout the winter:

“Unfortunately I have no earth shattering news to report. Lunch Bunch on Wednesdays continues at Sarah's weekly, although we have missed a couple of days due to weather conditions. We are meeting about 11:30. Attendance is lean this time of year with 3-5 showing up, but this will increase shortly as the weather moderates.  It is mostly Mah Jong players who come but all are welcome. Men's lunch is now at noon at the Thistle Inn as Robinson's is doing some renovation — they usually have 4-10  show up. The group was started many years ago as a Boothbay Harbor businessmen's group but has morphed into any age man who would like to come. Although it is now primarily BHYC members, there are a couple of local men who join them on a regular basis. Both groups are a wonderful way to keep contact with good BHYC friends through the winter months.”

Over at the construction site, crews have been completing the siding on the modular sections and have now moved to sheathing the stick-built portion as well. We are happy to report that all electrical and communications services have been restored to the Hill House and, in case you were hoping that Donna couldn’t keep track of your bill paying, you can lay that hope to rest, so get those dues paid and the mooring fees established!

The cocktail party at the Lancasters’ was a very popular and well attended event. Reports are that over 40 folks gathered to celebrate the endless progression of time until the club is open for the 2018 season. The March event is divided between Florida at the Tomlins (March 12-15) and at Sugarloaf March 31 hosted by RC Liz Rettenmaier

And yes the start of the sailing season happens late in March when the High School Sailing Team sponsored by BHYC begins their “Frostbite Season!”