Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club

Tue, 03/28/2017 - 7:45am

Sunny days followed by cloudy skies, more snow, rain, and then sun again is the order of life in Maine in March but now we have April and hope springs eternal. We have seen signs of mooring set activity in our waterfront and Charles was seen uncovering one of the Junior Program chase boats, which has been taken to a boat yard for engine evaluation in preparation for the high school sailing program start.

In fact, that program started Monday of this week with 10 students participating. The next step will be the 420s coming out of the casino and the floats and docks will magically appear (snow or no snow). Keep your eyes on the water these sunny (or cloudy) afternoons for signs of the frostbite sailing season starting.

While you have your April calendar out and ready for notations, please mark the 20th, Thursday, as the night for the final winter series cocktail event which will be held at the home of Alex and Jack Herger in East Boothbay. The view is beautiful and the house is perfect for the event but their construction plans did not include a major parking lot ... so plan your car pools now and help the situation.

Also while you are marking calendars there is a major change in mode from previous years with Work Day being scheduled on a Friday (May 5) so that things can be all ship shape and bristol fashion for the Kentucky Derby Party on May 6! David wants to have a shiny clean facility when he takes his first orders of the season ... Mint juleps anybody?

Talk of libation also leads to thoughts of food and we hear that the search for a head chef is now narrowed down to three candidates. The waitstaff crew signed contract now numbers five and Charles is looking for a few additions to round out the bar and dining room staff.