Boothbay Harbor fields housing, restaurant proposals
The Boothbay Harbor planning board moved forward on two housing developments April 10, potentially allowing up to 11 new homes.
After several rounds of reviews to gather needed documents, the board approved the site plan application for the seven-home affordable housing development on Alexander Way. Applicants from Boothbay Region Housing Trust provided the board with previously requested verification of financial capacity and details on domestic water. The plan was conditionally approved in February pending the information.
In a separate item, the board reviewed a pre-application for a four-lot minor subdivision at the former Beach Cove Waterfront Inn property. The inn on Lakeview Road burned down in 2022, and surveyor Nicholas Plumer, representing owner Edgewater Plus, Inc. said Edgewater Plus wants to see how the property could still be used. “It makes the best use of the land,” Plumer said.
Plumer presented a proposed site plan to split the property four ways with two lots over 40,000 square feet in the shoreland zone and two lots over 10,000 square feed outside it. He said the lot is fed by sewer, water and power, and builders plan to use whatever infrastructure survived the fire. He said the intent is to leave a house that is on the property.
The board unanimously accepted the sketch plan and had no objections to its moving forward.
The board tabled a site plan review for a new restaurant at 32 McKown St. Liana Kingsbury and Jeff Teel presented the plan for interior renovations to the building to accommodate the establishment. The board said the application was incomplete. After discussion to clarify the missing information, the board recommended the application be refiled in time for the next meeting.