Bayville Buzz

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 10:45am

No update this week on Billy B’s ping pong injury, but it does give me the opportunity to revisit an injury my brother Will sustained on the pickle ball court a few years ago. (By the way, don’t forget that this year’s tournament is July 31 and later in the day is The Waterfront Festival!) Back to our story…Will had vowed he wasn’t going to play, but he came up to cheer on the competitors. Someone needed a playing partner and though Will initially declined, the peer pressure became too much and Will caved to the crowd’s pleas. Will strode confidently onto the court to do battle. Unfortunately, the battle didn’t last long as Will popped his calf muscle going for a kill early on in the match. To this day, some say he was in the kitchen and so lost the point, but I say, why add insult to injury? Naturally, it was a walk of shame as Will hobbled from the court and past a jeering crowd, which included an incredulous teammate who was now forced to forfeit. Somehow, Will has conveniently managed to be home in Denver for any tournaments since. 

The happy ending to this story is that Will has made a full recovery evidenced by his completion of the The Mt. Hood 50 (as in 50 miles) last week. Will reports that despite the heat wave there, temperatures were only in the 80s for the run. 

Unfortunately, there is one family here that continues to flaunt their disregard for our noise ordinances. They tend to go to bed early, so the evening is not a problem, but every morning around 4:30 they can be heard screaming incoherently. I believe the well intentioned parents are trying to teach their children new words but instead, the kids just keep repeating the one word they know, over and over and over. Once again, I am calling out our neighbors, the Crow family.

When I arrived here on Friday, I heard a very impressive firework show. It seems Boothbay Harbor Country Club was the setting and the Coulombes’ wedding anniversary was the occasion. I have been told that next year, my press credentials will allow me a VIP pass so I can visually convey just how incredible the show is.

A big, huge thank you to Thomas Hultin who submitted the following:

Bayville recently saw the arrival of Two Elsas on the same day. The first arrival came in like a storm, as it was a storm. We saw the last remnants of Tropical Storm Elsa slowly creep across the sky dumping a delightful amount of rain. Rumor has it, that out in the country highlands, the western most parts of Bayville, patios flooded, driveways washed away and ducks complained of being too wet. The second arrival was the surprise visit of Elsa Hultin, who arrived in the middle of her namesake storm to help celebrate her mother Linda’s annual anniversary of turning 25. It is unclear how many anniversaries there have been, but from the looks of her there can not have been too many. 

In more recent fresh news, the Gilchrist family hosted a wonderful celebration of life for Debbie Gilchrist at the Chowder House Boat Bar. Elder Berry looked radiant in his “Masters” jacket despite having recently had a little bronchitis. All Bayvillians of note were in attendance including the recent arrival of Moose and Janet McDonough who are back for an extended stay at the Spencer Cottage. Stop by and say hello. I have been told that rum and Cokes will be served.

Thank you Thomas! Yes, “Gooey” Gilchrist would have been proud of her family and the celebration they put together. Debbie must have had a hand in the proceedings as the weather that day was quite pleasant and rain free!

Great news! The lobster bake is happening the evening of Aug. 7. I was told by a certain someone that The Roberts Family Circus will be running the show. Al, I will give you one guess as to who told me to write that. All kidding aside, thank you to Al and Becky for putting this on! The sign-up sheet is now at the post office, so reserve your spots now for this wonderful event! 

Sundays fire pit and barn hoedown were a great success, as always. Hannah Merrill came all the way from across the pond (we are talking the Atlantic and not West Harbor) to partake in the fun. More on what she is up to in a later column.

Speaking of travel, why go all the way to Zimbabwe when you can just head over to The Glen to see our own version of Victoria Falls. Helicopter tours over the Zimbayville River will soon be available.

Please do as Thomas was nice enough to do and get me some news. I know the Sutton’s and Robitaille’s have visitors and that Tika is in town. Please help me lower my misstatements and misspellings by sending in your cottage happenings!