American Legion Post 36

Tue, 07/12/2022 - 8:15am

The Yard Sale is now the next big thing for the Legion. We have the ability to store your stuff in a storage unit across from the Hall. Give the Hall a call to make arrangements to have the unit open. The key is in the lock box behind the Hall as well. Don’t forget, this is a community event and we would like to have as many folks with their own tables as possible. Please call the Hall at 633-4487 to make arrangements. We will have signs along Route 27 advertising the yard sale starting the week before. Breakfast sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers and other delectable items will be available for the hungry. The more members of the community having tables, the more successful the Yard Sale. So please pass the word and have your friends, neighbors, and tourists (?) join us!

This summer, once again, the Post is having another firewood raffle. A chance for a cord for $5. Each member of the Post will be receiving 5 raffle tickets to sell, more tickets will be available at the Hall and around town. There will be at least 2 cords available so 2 or more drawings. Once again, the logs have been donated by Brian Barter and have been cut and split by Legion members and other volunteers. Thank you all.

The Post Hall is now capable of providing web-based events, such as Zoom and webinars. All Post meetings will be in person and available on Zoom. Having events like showers, celebrations of life, receptions, business meetings when guests are not able to travel but want to participate is now possible. For a demonstration, call the hall at 633-4487 to make an appointment.

Once again, I bring your attention to our website,, and the information available there. Learn a little more about each of our officers. Understand more about what the Legion is all about and the services our Post specifically provide. Also, the calendar of events and what is happening in the Hall is now all there. Don’t forget to “like” our Facebook page If you are a veteran, doesn’t matter when or where you served, and aren’t a member of the Post, or if your dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather were, you are eligible to join our Post. Call the Hall and we will send you an application. Or come to the breakfast this Sunday and we will sign you up!

Another reminder, if you want to learn what benefits Maine veterans have, check out the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services and their Veterans Resource Guide that can be down loaded from their website. How to arrange for military honors, various non-profits that provide services and activities for veterans, State benefits such as property tax exemptions for certain veterans, access to state parks, and other perks are all available at their website and in their Resource Guide. If you don’t have access to the web, come to the Legion Hall and we can connect you with our computer.

The next breakfast is this Sunday, July 17.