letter to the editor

4- to 9-month-old ‘teachers’ on roots of empathy

Mon, 07/30/2018 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

These babies are teaching 9- and 10-year-old students lessons that will last for a lifetime even though the teachers have not reached their first birthday. To tackle bullying at school you have to introduce the roots of compassion and empathy.  The roots begin at birth, but are better understood by students beginning at older ages ranging from 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10 years old.

The program was introduced in Canada by Mary Gordon in 2008. Ten years later its success continues to expand into 12 countries, on three continents and in four languages. The program has also been introduced to U.S. classrooms in Washington, D.C., New York, California, New Mexico, Washington, and Hawaii. It's expected to expand to Oregon next year. Oddly Canada’s neighbor, Maine, has yet to begin the program. Perhaps we are too old and lacking in baby teachers?

As the “teacher” arrives, the older children sing a welcome song and surround the baby with smiles and friendly touches of handshakes. The teacher is a specialist in emotional literacy. The students begin their learning observing facial and body expressions. Since every student was once a teacher in their homes, they can now see what makes the teacher happy and what makes her angry or frustrated. Gordon reports: “We now have research from three continents that shows the program leads to a dramatic reduction of aggression and bullying in schools.”

In this setting they begin to see that the teacher is more vulnerable than they are. The program is geared to see that they are very similar to the teacher except they use words to communicate their emotions. There are a number of YouTube examples, but my favorite is the BBC teacher Naomi.

Students learn more about the power of emotions and how to help others and themselves avoid fighting. They also learn how important a role that empathy plays when we relate to each other. The overall goal is developing a more caring and peaceful society. We are all students when watching these teachers.

Jarryl Larson
