Trevett Column: Halloween potluck Oct. 18

Sun, 10/08/2017 - 7:00am

Oct. 18 is the night when you might share a meal with Ms. Piggy, Dr. Who or maybe even President Trump. Costumes or a decorated hat are appreciated (but not required) for the Halloween potluck. Lots of fabulous prizes will be given so get a little creative.

Barb, Irena, Arlene, Judy and Tom are hosting for the night and that means the decorations will be over the top. So bring your appetizer, entrée or side dish or a dessert to the BICA hall at 6 p.m. for an entertaining evening. And guests are always welcome, in costume or not.

Joan did her BICA hall talk and what an outstanding presentation she gave. We learned about the Ladies Sewing Circle, the first hall on Firehouse Hill, the first bathroom, the 16 straight weeks of bus suppers, the composting toilet catching on fire, and how Evelyn brought the association back from the brink and made it what it is today. And on a side note, some of us now know why we live in a place called Trevett. Well done, Joan, and many thanks for the time and effort.

Kathleen and Keith, ably assisted by Mary, Lee, Jean, and Anne x 2, put together a great evening hosting the September potluck. The hall had a fallish atmosphere with all the colorful mums around. And the main food table might have collapsed considering the weight of all the offerings it held. No excuse for not having enough to eat that night. Nancy paid her IOU so the night was a big success.