New EMA director presents regional plan to Boothbay selectmen

Mon, 05/17/2021 - 8:45am

Boothbay selectmen queried new regional Emergency Management Agency Director David Cody May 12 about his 115-page emergency management plan. Selectman Chuck Cunningham asked most of the questions. He presented his fellow board members with his list during the April 28 meeting. The board invited Cody to the May 12 meeting to respond to Cunningham’s and other selectmen’s questions.

Cunningham asked who had the power to declare a local emergency. Cody responded, the board’s bylaws should state whether the selectmen, town manager, or fire chief held the authority. Cody also recommended town officials “document everything” during a natural disaster. “That way FEMA and everybody understands it,” he said.

Scorcia asked what this plan looked like in action – for example how would our local response to COVID-19 be different under this plan. Cody responded, there was not much difference; the plan focuses on establishing a command center for managing any local disasters. 

In other action, Town Manager Dan Bryer reported about a past proposal calling for bringing water and sewer services to the industrial park. Several years ago, the town received a $5.8 million estimate for bringing those services to north Boothbay. Bryer consulted with Wrigth-Pierce which believed the cost was closer now to $8 million. Selectmen discussed possibly using tax increment funds to pay for the expansion project. The board also wanted to talk with Boothbay Region Water District Manager Jon Ziegra and Boothbay Harbor Sewer District Manager Chris Higgins about availability of federal grants. 

Selectmen appointed Code Enforcement Officer Jason Lorrain the 911 Addressing Officer and voted unanimously authorize Bryer to execute a quit claim deed for a vacant Wiscasset Road tax-acquired property. The meeting began with a public hearing for a license renewal for Ocean Point Inn. Later, selectmen unanimously approved renewing an innkeeper’s license, special amusement permit (Class C) and renewal of a Class IA liquor license. 

Selectmen meet next at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 26 via Zoom conference.