BRCRC Fuel Fund seeks donations

Tue, 11/19/2019 - 8:30am

The cold weather this week is winter’s gentle knock on the door to remind us to prepare for the winter months ahead. Many of us are fortunate to know that when the frigid weather settles in, we will have the warmth and comfort of our homes.

We have neighbors and friends who live with the stress and fear that they do not have the resources necessary to heat their homes this winter. The Boothbay Region Community Resource Council (BRCRC) Fuel Fund is in place to ensure that everyone in our community can stay warm throughout the long winter months. Because of the generosity of the people in our region, we are able to provide heating assistance to local people so they are able stay warm at home. If you rely on wood heat, we also provide dry, seasoned wood through our Woodchucks Program.

We are so fortunate for the generosity of the community every year to ensure that our neighbors in need are kept warm.

We are appealing to our community and ask that if you can, please donate again this year. Please send your gifts to the BRCRC, c/o Fuel Fund, P.O. Box 43, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 04538. Your gift is a tax-deductible donation.

If you would like to learn more about our heating assistance programs, please call BRCRC at 207-633-6272.

BRCRC is the safety net that helps to support people who need our help. “A rising tide floats all boats” is an aphorism that certainly defines what we do.

We are grateful for the generous and continued support of the many programs that we offer.