Sprucewold Column: A place to recharge and restore

Tue, 08/07/2018 - 10:00am

Every morning during my summer in Maine, I rise early to knit on our front porch. Sometimes I make it to see the sunrise, and other times I let the sun beat me to the glider. I wake myself or it’s the lobster or fishing boats that provide me with an alarm. I am always grateful for the time on the porch. I marvel at how similar the view is to my childhood. Cabbage Island looks the same, a perfect example of Maine shoreline. The Linekin Bay Resort boats drift aimlessly on their moorings — each pointing in a different direction. Our beloved Turnabout — Why Not — bobs up and down with the passing boat wake, just waiting for a light breeze and someone to take the tiller. An occasions seal raises its head — pointing nose to sky as sun glistens on its head. And while my porch companion is no longer the West Highland White Terrier of my childhood, this year I am joined by my new yellow Lab puppy named Poppy, who loves to watch the morning activity in the bay.

Sprucwold at these moments seems to be a timeless place. Things change slightly, but the core of what brought us all here remains the same — family, community, the ocean, the woods, and a place to recharge and restore.

As in years past, the peak of the summer is upon us. Sprucewold is noisier and carries a bit more energy. There are extra folks on the road, walking their dogs, heading to the beach, or enjoying a run. Driveways spill over with cars, and boats are filled to capacity. The warmer ocean temperatures lure even the faint of heart in for a refreshing dip. We all love to share our little part of the world, and I am confident that those who come to visit us easily understand why we work so hard to be here as many days as we can.

The Sprucewold annual meeting was held at the Linekin Green on Aug. 4. As has been the case for decades, neighbors came together to discuss the important issues at hand: vital statistics from the year, a review of finances, improvements to both the Crooked Pine float and Nahanada Park, painting of signs, chains of communication, and community social events. Sprucewold Association members will soon get a copy of the minutes, sent by email, so you can read the details of the meeting.

Upcoming events include the annual potluck dinner on Aug. 11 from 5 to 7 on the Linekin Heights Green (behind the lodge). Please bring a dish to share as well as utensils and glasses (and your plates if you would like to). The association will provide drinks and dessert.

Brush chipping day is Aug. 13. Please contact Ralph Kimball if you have questions or would like to sign up to have your brush pile chipped. Sprucewold walks have been happening all summer and will continue on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Details about these walks can be found on the mailboxes.

I hope you all have a chance to take advantage of the opportunities to get out and see your neighbors and enjoy our community. All too soon many of us will return to our off-season lives. I am sure that the smell of the woods and the sounds of the ocean will linger and once again, draw us back to Maine next year.