Letter to the Editor

What does freedom look like

Tue, 05/22/2018 - 6:00pm

Dear Editor:

America’s long history of freedom and democracy has been grounded in ethics and integrity. Our constitution, our grounding in faith, and even our election rules and regulations were based on ethics and integrity. 
Adding to the history of seeking and developing freedom in this new world, other countries were encouraged to do the same as our success began to blossom, opening up freedoms to have different religious beliefs, and freedom to vote, initially limited to men only groups. 
Over time men recognized that voting freedoms should be expanded to every citizen impacted by government decisions. Freedom always came with responsibility that is grounded in truth, ethics, and integrity.  Freedom here began with immigration, followed by citizenship.
Should we be concerned when at a military institute commencement speech, Rex Tillerson said, “If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom?”
Does freedom create a better world?  Does it seek imagination that improves the world in which we live?  Does freedom get shared in our global economy? Does freedom need truth, ethics, and integrity to exist? 
Do freedom and independence mean the same?  Our forefathers left their countries to arrive here to be free.  Being free contains a principle of freedom for  voluntary action, not coercion we see in indoctrination camps. You are not free if not permitted voluntary actions in voting, worshipping in your own faith community, running for office, or joining the military. Coercion occurs when you are denied facts that value responsible freedom and develop better ways to solve problems without war or use of the bully pulpit.
With every person freedom brings responsibility to lead in truth, ethics and integrity.  Every person has the right and the duty to protect freedoms founded on truth, ethics and integrity.  Leaders who fail to protect freedom, have forgotten or never understood the history of freedom in America.  Freedom looks like you and me voting, signing petitions, and helping others in need. 
Jarryl Larson