letter to the editor

You are invited

Mon, 02/18/2019 - 5:30pm

Dear Editor:

Every third Friday each month, LincolnHealth holds public community advisory meetings in the Cochrane Conference Center on the St. Andrews’ campus. 7:30 to 9 a.m.

A delicious buffet breakfast starts at 7:30 followed by a planned presentation on health care today. Presenters from LincolnHealth, Maine Health and folks from all manner of healthcare, addiction program, mental health, Alzheimer’s/dementia, wellness rehab, Coulombe Center for Health and Wellness and other support services, share valuable information on the changing landscape of healthcare. I have been with this group for at least five years and have gleaned incredible information.

On Feb. 15, professionals from our community-wide Integrated Addiction Collaborative dealing with opioid-dependent clients presented the work that is being done on the Boothbay peninsula. Holly Stover, BRCRC’S Addiction Outreach specialist, began the conversation followed by Adam Sterrs from the new Peer Recovery Center, Lisa Carbone LSW Family Care Center and Aqui Alamo, MD, FCC. Each shared their work in how intervention, treatment and recovery efforts are in place for our folks dealing with drug dependency. I cannot tell you how confirmed I felt leaving that meeting with the above mentioned professionals who are doing incredible work in saving the lives of our neighbors. I applaud each, including Boothbay Harbor’s Police Chief Bob Hasch who is at the helm.

This integrated collaborative has drawn the attention of many towns and has made its way to the State House where eyes and ears are on the Boothbay region with BRCRC’s Addiction Outreach Program, now a solid integrated model which has been operating for over three years.

Please join with us at the March meeting on Friday, March 15 at 7:30 a.m., Cochrane Conference Center, lower level of the Family Care Center on St. Andrews Campus. It is a wonderful group of folks from all across the peninsula along with professionals from the medical field with critical information to offer. Each month is a different subject and you can leave your email address with Kris Hepburn, administrative assistant, Miles campus to get reminder emails of the meetings. Do yourselves a favor, come and be filled up. Free to all. No reservation required.

Sue Burge
