Websites have updated resource pages

Sun, 10/20/2019 - 5:00pm

The resources pages on the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper websites are both live again and updated. During the uploading of the sites’ new design, both of these pages got lost in cyberspace.

Church services in Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Barters Island, Southport, East Boothbay, Edgecomb, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Wiscasset and Woolwich are included in the listings with addresses, phone numbers, names of clergy serving the congregations, service times, and websites.

Listing addiction resources gets a bit tricky, particularly for Narcotics Anonymous. Locations hosting AA, NA, Al-Anon, AAC (Alanon Adult Child), and Food Eaters Anonymous change with some frequency. Towns within a 60-mile radius are listed – from Waldoboro and Damariscotta to the Boothbay region, Wiscasset to Brunswick and Augusta – to provide recovery meetings for all who need and/or use them.

It’s helpful for people involved with the churches and addiction resources to notify the papers of any changes/updates. As needed, email