Ullo elected Southport School Committee chairman

Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:00am

There is a new Southport School Committee chairman. On April 22, the committee elected Nick Ullo, who previously served as vice-chairman, to the top spot. He succeeds Adam Harkins, who served the past nine years as chairman. Harkins was later elected vice-chairman.

In other action, the committee approved a teacher’s request for an additional course reimbursement. Under the contract, the town pays for two graduate level courses per year. Teachers may apply for a third. The committee voted, 2-0, to approve Nikki Tibbetts’ request for an additional paid course. Ullo and Harkins voted in favor. Kathy Tibbetts abstained.

The committee also approved setting tuition payments at $7,000 for out-of-district students for next year, and approved a language change to base future tuition rates on a formula set by the Maine Department of Education. “If the state increases their tuition rate, Southport’s would automatically increase,” said Superintendent Bob Kahler. “The formula is based on school expenditures. So some years the tuition rate is higher than other schools and lower than others.”

The committee updated its administrative procedure for Report of Dangerous Student Behavior and Reform to match new legislative language. The committee also received a waiver not to make up two school emergency days lost due to the Lewiston shootings. 

On Oct. 25, 18 were killed in mass shootings in two Lewiston downtown locations. Schools statewide went into a two-day shutdown while law enforcement searched for the shooter.

In the principal’s report, Lisa Clarke told committee members grades two and five would participate April 25 in the CogAT (Cognitive Assessment Testing). Spring standardized testing for grades three through six would be completed between April 22 and May 31. Teacher Appreciation Week would take place May 6-10.

The committee meets next at 4 p.m. Monday, May 20.