Sprucewold Column: Working, fishing and more

Tue, 08/01/2017 - 11:15am

Sprucewold is a pretty awesome place to be a kid in summer.

David Stedt tells me his summer has consisted mostly of work and golf. He is a host at the Oceanside Golf Resort and thoroughly enjoys it. At the Boothbay Harbor Country Club he’s been working on developing a new golf swing he hopes to be more effective. His sister Claudia is an apprentice in the Junior Sailing Program at the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club. David and Jacob Moulaison bought matching hoverboards this summer. Both report that the hill up Crest and Nahanada are much easier by hoverboard. Keep an eye out for their super balancing skills. It’s much harder than it looks!

Joanne and George Carlisle’s grandchildren are also busy. Sammy Hutchinson and Izzy Thorp are doing volunteer work in the Children’s Garden at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. Izzy and Lucy Thorp have summer jobs in town, and Lucy is also available for babysitting. Halle Hutchinson is “shadowing” two physical therapists, at St. Andrews Urgent Care and in Brunswick, gathering information for a possible career track. Alexander Khetani can often be seen biking to the town library, his favorite haunt. Kimball and Avery Khetani, and Penelope Thorp are busy sailing in the junior program at Southport Yacht Club.

Fishing has been on the mind of many young (and old) Sprucewolders and much to their glee, the striped bass have been cooperative. Jacob Moulaison caught a total of four fish, none of them keepers, but the largest was 26 inches. His brother, and beach attendant, Josh Coffey caught a 22 inch. The Wilgren family, however, struck gold in the area of striper fishing. Dad, Mark, caught the only keeper but the boys have been lucky too. Aaron caught two fish, 16 and 18 inches. Luke caught a 27 inch striper — so close! Most exciting of all, 6-year-old Teddy caught his first 17 inch striper.

Now for some important business: Wednesday, July 26 was Firewise Day in Sprucewold. Ranger Kent Nelson met with 10 cabin owners in Sprucewold to provide them with a Firewise Assessment of how to better defend their cabins from wildfire. The feedback received from the participants was excellent and therefore the program will probably run again next year.

The Sprucewold Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, Aug. 5 in the Sprucewold Lodge Dining Room at 10 a.m. We encourage all members to attend. The meeting will be short and will include election of officers for the next two years. The Sprucewold Association runs well because of participation by its members — let's keep it up. The Linekin Heights Annual Meeting is also on Aug. 5 at 9 a.m. on the Linekin Green. Sprucewold Beach Club Members mark your calendar for Aug. 12 at 10 a.m. in the Sprucewold Lodge Dining Hall. Also on Aug. 12, come to the Potluck Supper on the Linekin Green from 5-7 p.m. If your last name starts with A-M, you’re tasked with bringing a main dish. If you’re last name starts with N-Z, bring a salad. Hope to see you there!