Letter to the Editor

Regarding the online opinion piece

Tue, 05/24/2016 - 9:45am

    Dear Editor:

    In his online opinion piece, Mr. Coulombe strikes a low blow in the discussion about his proposed roundabout. He singles out two Boothbay residents, asking, "Why let a New Yorker like Fred Kaplan and his wife from 'away' dictate that Boothbay do nothing."

    Whether you agree or not with Mr. Kaplan or Ms. Weyr, they are Boothbay residents, not New Yorkers. This is name calling, using coded language to suggest that their views are foreign, not to be trusted, that they are not one of us. Further, singling them out leaves the impression that they are alone in their views. In fact, many people have questions, not only public, but in remarks that I have heard around town. Mr. Coulombe goes on to say about Mr. Kaplan that "he is paying very small taxes, and not contributing to the well-being of the region." Does Mr. Coulombe mean to suggest that all of us ordinary folks, who, like Mr Kaplan, pay property taxes on our ordinary homes are not entitled to a view on this matter, or that our views don't count? Do we not all contribute to the well-being of our region in our own ways?

    Further, Mr.Coulombe says that this project "will not cost the taxpayers a dime. It's free!" This is not true. That is because every dollar of tax money that goes into the TIF fund is money that would otherwise have gone into the town's general revenue stream; every dollar that goes into the TIF fund is a dollar that does not go to support schools, other road work, or other town functions. That means that all of us bear some increased tax burden as a result. Boothbay citizens voted the TIF in to support economic development. I am not questioning the TIF. I am asking whether this project is the best use of our tax dollars in the district. Will it actually help traffic flow? Is this expenditure the best way to create economic development in the TIF district? I, for one, am still waiting for credible answers to these questions from sources that do not start with a vested interest.

    Bruce MacDonald
