Ocean Point Column: Work details, babies and more

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 10:00am

We certainly are moving quickly through June and as we do each weekend brings more activity here at the Point. It’s hard to believe that it’s been six weeks since seasonal water turn on and I know I’m repeating myself when I express gratitude to not only the BRWD but the Road Crew as well for assisting in preparing our roads for the summer season. We are all very grateful!

Our first “activity of the season” was held Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and was quite successful. Many residents reported early Saturday morning with tools in hand to see that our facility and grounds were back in shape for the summer season. Thank you to all who participated in the event. Your assistance is certainly appreciated.

The Acoustics project is now complete thanks to our many year-round residents. The crew offered their time and talent all winter to provide us with a new and improved acoustics and sound system. Thank you to Paul Taylor, Link Brown, Peter Klein, Mark Milligan, Winston Kipp, Birger Minde, Skip Klein, and Fred Wilson. Patrick McGranaghan gave technical support and Mark Milligan installed the sound system with assistance from John Kern and Tom Peckham. Dana Demers provided his staging equipment. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. All involved spoke about the comradery and enjoyment they all felt in working together; so much so that they hinted that they may be looking for another project this winter!

The historical pictures have been mounted on the walls in the Casino and are astonishingly beautiful; they are truly a representation of life at Ocean Point over 100 years ago. Take a moment to view for yourself these eye-catching memorable photos.

Ocean Point Bluebird Inn hosted a wonderful opening cocktail party for all the area residents which was very well attended. It was a great way to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones while sampling some very tasty bites. Thank you to the Inn and its employees for your gracious hospitality.

I believe I mentioned in a previous column that our population of babies is certainly growing. Carolyn Bourassa Finnegan was here with her beautiful baby boy Declan visiting family, congratulations to new mom and dad Caroline and Kevin and grandparents Roseanne and Pierre. Congratulations to Caroline and Marcus Privitt on the recent birth of their baby daughter Annie. Although I have not yet met her I’m sure she is just as beautiful as her mom. Caroline is the daughter of Dave and Sue Kern. The birth of their new granddaughter makes Dave and Sue first-time grandparents. I recently learned that congratulations are in order for Kendall and Sean Lynch who are expecting twins. Kendall is the daughter of Kerrin and Stod Rowley and granddaughter of Mary and Ted Fuller.

Ocean Point was very saddened to hear of the passing of Marlies Boyd on May 26. Marlies was born in the Netherlands and became a resident of Ocean Point after her marriage to her husband Garry. She quickly adapted to living in Ocean Point, Maine, both professionally and socially making many new friends and participating in many activities. Many may remember Marlies working at the Inn as the hostess for many summers and also working at a nearby antique establishment. She became a USTA professional tennis instructor as the result of her love of tennis and instructed many students over the years. Marlies also loved to play golf not only with friends but with her family as well. I myself had the opportunity to play several rounds with Marlies a few years back. She was also an avid reader and could often be seen on her porch late afternoon relaxing with a good book. Marlies had many friends that included both year- round and summer residents. She possessed a great smile and quick wit and she especially loved to talk about her family. Marlies was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and friend and will be missed by many. Our condolences to her husband Garry, sons Daniel and Jason and granddaughters Piper and Everly. Memorial contributions may be made in her name to the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library, 4 Oak Street, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538.

The Casino, tennis courts and pickleball court are now open although activities don’t officially begin until the end of June. The activities calendar is posted on the website as is the store where OP merchandise is available for purchase.

Barb Klein who is the administrator has revised the Ocean Point Facebook page started by Tom McGonegal several years ago. Please note this is not the All Things Ocean Point Facebook page; rather this page has information regarding the OPCT.

Sue Clark’s second book is simply amazing and I encourage everyone to reach out to Sue and purchase your copy, especially if you love reading and learning about the history of Ocean Point. Contact Sue at latitude43designs@hotmail.com.

Race Directors Stephanie Kaler and Kelly Robbins are once again coordinating the OP 5k and Fun Run to be held on Sunday, July 7 beginning at 8 a.m. Registration is online or sign up to volunteer for the event. More details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

Please see Barb Klein for both your contributions to the OPCT and tennis and pickleball fees.

Have a great week!