June paddles with Coastal Rivers Paddlers

Mon, 05/27/2019 - 8:00am

Coastal Rivers Paddlers have scheduled nine fresh and salt water paddles during the month of June, all of which are free and open to the public.

Paddlers should plan to arrive at the launch site one half hour before the scheduled launch time. The full paddle schedule with detailed directions to launch sites may be found at coastalrivers.org/events-programs/coastal-rivers-paddlers.

Salt water paddles launch at 9 a.m. on Saturdays and are 2 ½ to 3 hours long. Fresh water paddles launch at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and last 2 to 2 ½ hours.

June 1: Salt water paddle to Sheep Island launching from the Holbrook Street Landing in Cundys Harbor. Optional lunch at Holbrooks Snack Bar & Grill.

June 5: Fresh water paddle exploring the Pemaquid River from Bristol Mills, with an optional lunch at the Bristol Mills Diner.

June 8: Salt water paddle to Powderhorn and Spectacle Islands launching from the Knickercane Boat Launch in Boothbay. Optional lunch at the Trevett Country Store.

June 12: Fresh water paddle on the Marsh River, launching from the rest area on Route 1 in Newcastle.

June 15: Salt water paddle to Seal Cove from the South Bristol town landing. Paddlers bring lunch for a picnic on a nearby island.

June 19: Fresh water paddle on Boyd Pond and the Pemaquid River, launching from the Hatchtown bridge. Paddlers bring lunch for a picnic at Hatchtown Preserve.

June 22: Salt water paddle to Muscle Ridge from Merchants Landing at Spruce Head Island. There is a $3 fee for parking. Optional lunch at the Happy Clam.

June 26: Fresh water paddle on Medomak Pond and the Medomak River in Waldoboro. Optional lunch at a nearby restaurant.

June 29: Salt water paddle from Bethel Point in Cundys Harbor. Optional lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. All participants are responsible for their own safety and each participant should determine in advance if weather and water conditions are suitable for their skill level.

Coastal Rivers paddles are held rain or shine. If weather conditions are extreme, the decision to cancel will be made at the launch site, and paddlers will determine as a group whether to reschedule.

Paddlers supply their own kayak and must wear a life jacket and carry their own safety gear, medications, and drinking water. All paddlers are required to bring a completed and signed release form for Coastal Rivers, which may be downloaded at coastalrivers.org/events-programs/coastal-rivers-paddlers. Copies of the form will also be available from the paddle leader at the time of the paddle.

For more information about scheduled paddles, please contact paddle coordinator Jean Smith at 207-312-3846 or paddlers@coastalrivers.org

For more information about Coastal Rivers, call (207) 563-1393, email info@coastalrivers.org, or visit www.coastalrivers.org