Fish fry fundraiser at Edgecomb fire station Oct. 12

Mon, 09/30/2019 - 2:00pm

Although Edgecomb has plenty of fishing areas, the best place to find fish Oct. 12 will be its fire station at 473 Boothbay Road.

That’s when the members of the fire department auxiliary will hold their first fish fry, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The auxiliary, a nonprofit, hopes to raise funds for “Any equipment we need above and beyond the budget,” EMA Director Bill Witzell explained.

For $14, guests will have fried fish, french fries, cole slaw and a drink. Those who aren’t fish fans can substitute chicken fingers in their meal for $8.

According to fire department member Daren Graves, the funds raised will be used to buy items like portable speed bumps and handheld lights to use at accidents to slow traffic and illuminate the scene.

For more information, call 882-9618.