Community Holiday Potluck and Carol Sing Dec.19

It’s the final event of the Opera House 2018 season
Tue, 12/11/2018 - 8:00am

Story Location:
86 Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
United States

The annual holiday potluck dinner and carol sing at the Opera House in Boothbay Harbor celebrates both the holiday season and the close of the 2018 Opera House season.

Against the magically decorated stage and performance hall, professional vocalists Devon Dukes, Tommy Waltz and John Adams will gather around pianist Kevin Kiley to sing holiday favorites following the community potluck on Wednesday, Dec. 19.

Admission to the evening is free but those attending the potluck are asked to bring an ample appetizer, main dish, side dish or salad to share with neighbors and friends, as well as a serving utensil.

Please do not bring bread and please only bring a dessert if it is a traditional holiday dessert served in your home that you would like to share. The Friends of the Opera House will have their extraordinary baked goods available.

Decorating and final musical rehearsals will keep the Opera House closed until the doors open at 5:30 p.m. for early arrivals. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m.

The music and carols will follow dinner. Those arriving for the musical performances should be on hand at 6:30 p.m., although the music may not begin until 6:45, depending upon the size of the dinner crowd.

All ages are welcome and all voices are encouraged to sing out in celebration of the season. For additional information call the Opera House, at 86 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor, at 633-5159.