Boothbay Harbor welcomes new police officers
Boothbay Harbor Police Department added two new police officers to its ranks at the October 15 Boothbay Harbor selectmen's meeting.
Former Reserve Officer Tom Chryplewicz will move to a new full time position, replacing for Officer Rich Mirabile, who recently retired after 13 years of service.
Chryplewicz has worked as a reserve officer on the force for four months and has already completed his police training.
Gabrielle Mathieu, formerly an officer with the Lisbon Police Department, has joined the force as a reserve officer.
Palmer Payne, chairman of the Boothbay Harbor budget committee, asked why it was necessary to hire on two new officers just as the busy season was ending.
Town Manager Tom Woodin explained that the town would be saving money because officer Mirabile was receiving, at the time of his retirement, a larger salary due to his years of service.
“Also, it's very hard to get police officers in Boothbay Harbor,” Woodin said. “We ran the ad for several weeks, and only got one applicant.”
Board Chairman Bill Hamblen, on behalf of the town, thanked officer Mirabile for his years of service. The sentiment was echoed by the other selectmen, and the new appointments were passed with unanimous approval.
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