BCA Fourth of July event celebrates America’s 248th birthday

It started with an idea to help the community. Boothbay Civic Association’s first project was purchasing land and building a new municipal building. That community spirit has lasted almost a quarter century and each year the group’s major fundraiser is the Fourth of July Celebration at Boothbay Common.
The event brings crowds from near and far. The celebration has food, crafts, lawn games, and music. John Bertolet has been involved with the BCA dating back to plans for the new municipal building. “I was invited to a meeting. Back then, it started with meetings every Saturday,” he said. “I’ve stayed involved. I love the work and love doing something good for the community.”
This year’s event included the traditional cornhole, bean bag, sack races and badminton. Imij Armstead provided face painting. Bands performed on the gazebo. Craft tents occupied the Common. Hamburgers and hot dogs were also available to enjoy during the warm summer day. “Yes, this is a fundraiser, but it’s also a fun fundraiser,” Bertolet said.