Adams Pond watershed

420 pounds of litter

Wed, 04/06/2016 - 10:30am

    What do you like in your drinking water? Cigarette butts, styrofoam, plastic bags or how about dried-up strips of road sealant?

    On March 30, the Boothbay Region Water District held its annual litter cleanup along Route 27 in the Adams Pond watershed, from Boothbay Center to Adams Pond Road.

    In a few hours, 420 pounds of roadside litter had been retrieved, bagged and hauled to the dump. At the top of the list were strips of road sealant, cigarette butts, bottles and cans, plastic bags and containers, coffee cups, and other fast food, shopping and household fallout.

    Unfortunately, the trash is undoubtedly starting to accumulate again.

    Adams Pond and Knickerbocker Lake are the Boothbay Region’s only water supply. Our choices will decide whether this renewable resource remains clean and safe enough for drinking for generations to come.

    Please put litter in its place.