2019 DEYC October gathering

Tue, 10/22/2019 - 10:45am

The 2019 boating season is nearly over but DEYC members continue to get together monthly at a member’s home to enjoy camaraderie. We share winter plans, familiar conversation, great food and favorite drinks. On Sunday, Oct. 20 the home of Alice and Andy Mutch was the perfect site for the first off season gathering. Some 40 plus members took advantage of the opportunity to kick off the fall season at the lovely home of the Mutch’s on Plummer Road in Southport. This has become an annual event since Alice and Andy became members several years ago.

Always the consummate host and hostess, they greeted everyone with gracious enthusiasm. Their tables were brimming with assorted dishes prepared by Alice and other specialties provided by member guests. Favorite beverages provided by guests added to Andy’s very generous selection would challenge most tavern keepers.

Several past commodores and past and current board members were among the special quests. And members always enjoy Tali Parker’s animated personality. On Sunday, Tali initiated a Happy Birthday song for Troy Hersom who was eager to share his chronological longevity.

Many energized groups engaged in lively conversation. Members were happy to hear Andy announce that the suggested ending time was a mere formality. And many found it difficult to leave the friendly, warm surroundings before venturing into the cool fall night.

We look forward to our next gathering in November. John and Sharon Ryan will be the hosts at their home on 53 Isle of Springs Road in Boothbay on Saturday, Nov. 16. Hope to see many DEYC members there!