Letter to the Editor

It is decision time

Fri, 08/12/2016 - 8:15am

Dear Editor:

The time has come to decide what is best for our region, what is going to bring us into the future. It is time to put away petty comments, slurs and innuendos. We have a once in a lifetime chance, that is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to enhance and beautify “Our Town.” Boothbay is the gateway to all things beautiful in our region. The meetings, the explanations, the pros and cons have all been discussed. Everything has been put on the table and total explanations have been made. The opportunity will be presented to the voters of Boothbay.

Now is the time for decision making. We all have our opinions, but we must look to the future. Let us put personalities, our likes and dislikes of persons, ideas, etc. aside and look at the BIG picture. What will WE do for our community? What will YOU do for your community? Change is good. Change is tough. Change will take place when the D.O.T. decides it must be done, and it sounds like this decision has already been made, not by us, not by an individual, but for the safety of all. Isn't it better for us to have some say I what is going to take place rather than the State of Maine making this decision for us?

The past is forever and will stay the same - it cannot change, the future is an unknown but the possibilites are limitless. We have the opportunity to to make an important step and improvement for the future of Boothbay. Our 10-mile driveway from Route 1 leads to the most beautiful part of Maine. Let us ensure it is a gateway to the future.

Be POSITIVE, I know I will.

Laura S. Honey

Boothbay resident of 58 years, not a native, but proud to be “from away”

and a concerned citizen of Boothbay, my home town