Letter to the Editor

Mirror cities: Woburn, Massachusetts and Flint, Michigan

Mon, 01/25/2016 - 9:30am

    Dear Editor:

    In 1982 I moved from California to Massachusetts within weeks after Woburn (civil action) switched from a contaminated well water source to the larger MDC water district. Both Woburn and Flint switched from one water source to another water source to save money. Both had been warned by officials that the new water source could be poor in quality.

    At the first sign of trouble when East Woburn remained on G and H wells, people began getting sick – most were diagnosed with various forms of cancer. Citizens requested testing of wells, but Mayor John Rabbit and other town council members stalled. Their fear was bad results could cause Woburn to suffer economically. The delay in both Woburn and Flint testing ultimately cost lives — many of these lives are those of children. Michigan, relying on inadequate testing, insisted the water was safe even though the state’s “emergency manager” had failed to prove it, which is required by federal law before the switch is made. In both cases damage occurred in all town pipes as chemicals stripped lead or left odd tasting residue. Woburn eventually flushed all town pipes clean. Flint is not yet to that stage.

    Other examples of corporate management hiding dangerous toxic chemicals in their unlined ponds causing harm to citizen wells include, Hinckley vs. PG&E in California (Erin Brockovitch) and Kettleman Hills.

    Why would a mayor or governor — both with strong business backgrounds — be more concerned about financial impacts than the lives of their constituents, especially most vulnerable children? Is this an indication of a larger difference between serving the people and managing corporations?

    These questions are serious and valid as more and more “corporate mangers” are choosing to run for office. Harmful chemicals in our waters cause long term and fatal illnesses in our future inheritors. Do we want more of these preventable problems?

    Jarryl Larson
