Wellness Forum

Positive discipline: How to raise great children

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 8:15am

At 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at the Boothbay Fire House, behavioral therapist Liz Lussier will lead an interactive talk on behavior therapy, an evidence-based approach to address problem behavior.

Attendees will learn how a behavior therapist works, and take home some techniques and basic principles that are easy to implement right away to effect positive changes.

Lussier’s talk will be preceded by a potluck supper at the Boothbay Fire House, starting at 5:30 p.m. Bring a dish to share or simply enjoy the hospitality of the Boothbay Region Health & Wellness Foundation, the sponsor of this event. The forum begins at 6:30 p.m.

Tips for positive parenting

and grandparenting

Are you concerned about the impact of bullying on your child or grandchild? Are you worried about why your children are acting out, or being disrespectful? Do you know that teen depression and suicide is on the increase in our community? Would you like some tips on how to be sure that they are getting the right feedback to help them become happy, productive, and well-adjusted?

Lussier wants caretakers and parents to understand that although raising a child is not easy, there are approaches that are simple to master that can help you raise an emotionally strong, confident and responsible child. She’ll explain the 5 R’s of positive discipline: Respect, Routines, Reinforce, Rotate attention, Redirect — which, when put into practice help to avoid problems such as uncooperative behavior, tantrums and aggression. Attendees will be welcome to bring up examples of problem issues that we can use to illustrate how these methods can be applied.

Lussier has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and was certified in applied behavior analysis in the state of Florida. Since 1984, she has used ABA in special education classrooms, group homes for children with developmental disabilities and behavior problems and in private practice with families. As executive director for a nonprofit Florida Community Service organization, Lussier supervised teams of case managers serving individuals and families in crisis.

Since moving to Boothbay Harbor in 2004, she has worked one-on-one with parents in their own homes and as behavior consultant for the Boothbay Region YMCA.