Letter to the Editor

The Edgecomb tractor

Mon, 12/08/2014 - 9:45am

Dear Editor:

The tractor issue has been a fiasco since the town meeting to approve to buy a new one. There was no money appropriated to buy it to start with, so the town had to call a special town meeting to approve to borrow the money to pay for it.

Whoever said that the tractor was junk and needed to be replaced did not know what they were talking about.

I still don't think they understand how to save the taxpayers' money. To buy from one dealer and have the tractor evaluated by another is out of this world. Who comes up with these ideas, anyway?

Put it up for auction, by voice action, not sealed bids. This is the fairest way. If the school and selectmen can't agree, call a town meeting, or wait until another town meeting (at no cost to the town) and vote on how to sell it.

A little common sense is needed to solve the problem.

Let's stop spending more money on this tractor and auction it off to the highest bidder. The fire company does not need the tractor. In a few years, they'll be back for a new one.

Allen Brewer


P.S. Whatever the tractor is sold for, that money should go toward reducing the loan.