Letter to the Editor

Two children: Both runaways from danger

Mon, 08/18/2014 - 7:00am

Dear Editor:

Imagine a man who flees his home because of its danger, and years later throws out a child who has done the same. Neither one checked to find their birth certificate before they fled the danger. Both had great potential.

The United States has taken thousands of refugee children (unaccompanied minors) and supported their raising by foster families and benefited from large numbers who completed high school and four-year college degrees.

I know that, because I raised 10. All completed high school, eight entered college and so far four have completed college. All are self sufficient, some in management positions, and keys to the success of their companies.

Why would anyone complain about eight children placed in our care when we live in the second oldest state and I live in the oldest county? Many mistakenly call them illegals, when in fact they have not violated any law, but are waiting for their refugee status. Usually this happens in other countries because that is where escaping children go. This time refugee camps are in our country.

We are the ones responsible under international law and with U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) assistance to care for the children and invite other countries that would be interested in bringing those unaccompanied minors into their country.

What is odd to this writer is that we see ourselves incapable of being able to carry out the same duties that are carried out by third world countries.

We are a country that will soon have a heavy load to carry as thousands of our older citizens enter the retirement stage and fewer and fewer are coming up the youth line to run the U.S. economic engine.

God has thrown a gift in our laps and we are vilifying that gift. Perhaps it is a sign we are losing our management, creativity and economic abilities needed for the next development phase. In that case we become a country full of senior housing and, like the Shakers, we will disappear and be carved up by other countries who already own massive amounts of our land.

Jarryl Larson