Boothbay Harbor selectboard approves annual town meeting warrant

Tue, 03/26/2024 - 12:15pm

    Boothbay Harbor selectmen on March 25 approved signing the annual town warrant. Town meeting is May 4 at the Boothbay Harbor fire station.  

    The board moved ahead with the warrant after a public hearing on ordinance revisions directly before the meeting. No suggestions or revisions were brought up at the hearing for the ordinance changes, which include rules around parking, mooring and the appeals board, as reported in the Register. Board members agreed they met the burden of review and public comment, and they said voters will have more opportunity to express their views at the town meeting

    In other business, Town Manager Julia Latter said she is working on a request for proposals (RFP) to hire a planning consultant on changes related to Maine’s LD 2003. According to Latter, costs, including legal counsel and the consulting planner, could potentially be reimbursed by the state. Latter added there may be a separate RFP for additional consulting, but she is currently focusing on this effort because of the financial perk and timeliness.

    In addition, Latter said the town has made a conditional hire for a finance officer to fill the job left open in February. She also said the sidewalk rehabilitation project downtown will resume April 15 from Bridge Street to Granary Way. 

    “It’s great that you are getting back to hitting the bricks,” said Chair Michael Tomko. “I’ve heard nothing but good comments. It’s spectacular.”