Southport seeking state climate change grant

Mon, 03/25/2024 - 2:15pm

    Southport is busy making preparations to battle future climate change occurrences. Selectmen voted, 2-0, March 20 to seek a state community action grant for updating and enhancing their current preparedness network in concert with local emergency management agencies and surrounding towns and performing a climate vulnerability assessment of Southport. 

    Selectmen are working with Sunrise Ecologic of Boothbay in their grant application. Shri Verrill is Sunrise Ecologic’s owner and is Southport’s consultant. She is preparing the grant application. Selectmen also sent a letter in support of the grant. 

    According to the letter, Southport’s Climate Action Team identified “some strong community priorities” during 2023 fall public workshops. Those priorities included communication and warning systems for possible evacuation, taking into account their vulnerable population, and performing a thorough vulnerability island assessment.

    In other action, selectmen received a letter from Pratt’s Island residents Sarah Sherman and Gerald McGrail. The letter included a previous one submitted Dec. 13. McGrail and Sherman noted since their previous letter, the town approved a blasting ordinance and water well drilling moratorium at the March town meeting. The moratorium’s purpose is allowing for a Pratt’s Island hydrological study. “My husband and I are very concerned about protecting our well and all the wells on Pratt’s Island from saltwater intrusion. There are currently 17 wells in total on the island,” wrote Sherman. 

    The letter also sought a clarification about a Pratt’s Island deed with a covenant stating any residents on the property are limited to two single-family houses. “This contradicts a 2015 site plan, and we are asking your office for clarification and no building permit be issued until these matters can be investigated, clarified and documented to us in writing,” Sherman wrote. 

    Selectmen meet next at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 27 in the town hall.