letter to the editor

Trying to do what is right

Mon, 03/25/2024 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

As a board, we are trying to figure out the best way to handle the current condition of our schools. I urge everyone to get involved as this is a massive decision for all of us. My taxes as well as every other person on the board will be affected by this. The elementary school is 47 years old this year and she’s our baby compared to the high school.

We realize what we are asking for is a lot! The problem is … while we are in there fixing the issues, there are other items that should be taken care of as well. If these other items are not addressed during construction, it will cost us more to repair when they do fail.

A group of 45 people claimed in a recent letter to have a plan to fix the schools for a third of the price. What “they” fail to do is tell you how? I believe they have taken one of our older reports and cherry-picked what “they” feel is important. The truth is out of the 45 names on this ad only a handful of these people have been to one of our meetings over the last five years! “They” have not been involved until now. This is a call out to each and every one of them to come to us and show us what we’re missing. Let’s do this together!

We, as a board, have been focused on this since 2018. We have met with multiple architects, engineers, teachers, students, and members of the public doing our “due diligence” and trying to make sure you have all of the information to make an informed decision.

This has been a drawn-out process for all of us and at the end of the day we are trying to do what is right for the children and community. 

The choice is yours and we will move forward with the resources you agree to provide.

I urge you to Vote Yes to invest our money toward the future of our towns. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. 

Ronnie Campbell

CSD Board of Trustees