Boothbay Republicans to caucus Feb. 24

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 8:30am

    Boothbay Republicans will hold their town caucus at the Boothbay Town Office, 7 Corey Lane, on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 10 a.m.

    Why do we Caucus? This is required by state law to remain a political party. The purpose is for towns elect committee members to the Maine State Convention, which be held at the Augusta Civic Centurion April 26 and 27. These delegates will vote at State Convention. The caucus is also held to elect Boothbay town officers and also representatives to the Lincoln County Republican Committee. This also gives the town Republicans the right to choose replacement candidates should someone withdraw or should a senator, representative, or county office holder before their term is completed.

    Boothbay will have their clerk available to check on registrations and register unenrolled voters.

    Nomination papers for U.S. Senator Demi Kouzanous and Congressman Andrew Piantidosi will be available at the caucus as well.

    If any questions, please call Dawn Gilbert at 633-4500.