Maine-ly, these are just a bunch of severed animal parts that are either dehydrated or freeze-dried and fed to dogs.
Sometimes there's an errant bag of dehydrated sweet potatoes or something else weird like kelp in there. Not this time. We got rid of all that weird stuff. Only good, old-fashioned things like bully sticks, hearts, livers, tongues, brains, and our brand-new treat Awful Offal (Not Real. Please don't write me saying you can't find it).
It's enough to make a German delicatessen green with envy.
NOW 26.666666666616% OFF!!!
Use Coupon Code: OFFAL
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I suggest you explore Newfoundland Canada and eat nothing but cod for a month. Or at least explore our shabby, last-minute, misspel’t, gluten-free, cod-free, monthly e-newsletter that brings shame to my family:
Subscribe and have a nice piece of e-cod sent to you on the first of every month (Metaphorical cod. Not literal cod) :