Conservation District seeks nomination for board of supervisors

Wed, 09/20/2023 - 12:00pm

    Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District as one opening on its five-member Board of Supervisors. The volunteer board, which is responsible for guiding the District’s business affairs and operations in its mission to provide assistance to the community in conservation of land and water resources, is comprised of three elected and two appointed supervisors, who each serve overlapping three-year terms. This year we are seeking nominations for one elected position. Anyone interested in 1) running for the office of supervisor, or 2) voting in the election must be a registered voter within the boundaries of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). Candidates need have only an interest in conservation and a willingness, at a minimum, to participate in a monthly board meeting at the District office or online. To run for an elected position, a candidate must submit a nomination paper signed by 25 Knox or Lincoln county residents.

    In addition, the SWCD Board welcomes Associate Supervisors, non-voting members appointed by the Board, who may have an interest in the general activities of the District or a specific area of interest or expertise to share. Nomination forms may be obtained by contacting the District office. The completed election document must be received at the District office by 2:30 p.m. on Oct. 26 after which candidates will be posted on our website, Ballots must be received at the District office no later than 8:30 am on Nov. 15 and will be counted at our Board meeting tentatively scheduled for Nov. 15 at 9 a.m.; public are welcome to attend.

    To receive nomination papers or a ballot, or for more information, contact Election Superintendent at 893 West Street (Route 90) in Rockport, 596-2040 or

    Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and provider