Southport Column: Storm, history lesson and more

Tue, 09/19/2023 - 8:45am

Next week Maureen Kinsey will be writing this column as I will be in Vermont helping my sister after knee surgery. Please send Maureen news at or call her at 350-1134. Thanks.

Many people worked hard to prepare for the predicted hurricane forecast to hit mid-coast Maine last Saturday, September 16. At our house we took down bird feeders, moved plants to more secure positions, and stowed porch furniture in the shed. Our trees blew nearly double at some points in the storm, but fortunately none blew over. Not true in a few other places on the island such as between the Thompson Bridge and Cross Road. But crews were ready to go to work and soon had the road clear. Various power lines were not quite so quickly fixed. We lost power several times for several hours, but fortunately the generator worked, so no real inconvenience. Phone, Internet, and cable were more of a problem, but by about 2:30 p.m. on Sunday those services resumed. Thanks to all who worked hard to mend the wind’s damage.

If notes on my calendar are correct, a belatedly “Happy Birthday” is due to Evelyn Sherman, for whom the event was celebrated by the storm and, I assume, family and friends last Saturday, Sept. 16.

Look elsewhere in this newspaper's website for a good history lesson by Jack Bauman on various aspects of Southport life such as the bridge, the beginnings of tourism, and the effects of the Great Depression. Thanks, Jack, for all the digging into history.

In the Gift Barn at the Southport General Store Jeanne Lally will conduct a workshop on watercolor batik on Sept.. 21 from 9 a.m. until noon. You can register for this class and find other classes by going to or email

Coming up on Saturday, Sept. 30, beginning at 2 p.m., the Southport Memorial Library will host another Author’s Talk. The guest this time is Anne Britting Oleson, who lives on the side of a mountain in central Maine. A mother with three children, five grandchildren, two cats, and eight completed books, she has much to tell us. Five of her books are novels with the sixth one due out in March of 2023. This latest book, “Aventurine of the Bailgate” is about a woman named Aventurine Morrow who is alone in Lincoln, England, attempting to overcome writer’s block that has occurred while she is researching a new subject, Katherine Swynford. A missing daughter of a new friend, a dead woman found, and a Swynford jewel stolen, involves our heroine in a variety of adventures. Do come to see if the author will reveal what happens next.

Our Southport school children are settling into their creative and fun lessons and outings. A lighthouse trip to Burnt Island Light and this week another to Fort Pemaquid not only are fun, but also help the children learn some of the history of our area.

Adults and children can have fun at the Southport Yacht Club and the Southport Island Association sponsored picnic on Saturday, Oct. 7 beginning at 1 p.m. Cider, apples and an array of seasonal dessert “bites” will be provided to supplement your personal picnics! No RSVPs necessary. Please contact Janet Duchaine via cell or text at 860.484.9006, if you can help with set-up or clean-up. Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. New members welcome!

A reminder that the fall schedule has begun at Cozy’s Harborside, which means that they are open Thursday-Sunday from 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. and are closed Monday-Wednesday.

This is the last Saturday the Hendricks Hill Museum will be open this season. Come between 11 a.m. until 3 p.m, bringing guests and any pictures you might have of places to stay in the past on Southport.