Edgecomb Fire Department

August calls
Thu, 09/07/2023 - 8:00am

    Aug. 2: 10:39 p.m., Route 27, two vehicle accident. Car on side. CLCA handled patient care, EFD controlled traffic, assisted with removal of car, cleared debris. Both vehicles towed.

    Aug. 4: 11:28 a.m., Dodge Road, Paged for large branch blocking road, no wires. Checked entire road, no branch across road; 11:46 a.m., Cross Road, Sprinkler activation, unable to secure or shut it off. Department secured water system, stopping water flow to head. Owner contacting sprinkler company to repair and monitoring property until system back and running.

    Aug. 5: 10:45 p.m., Eddy Road, Paged for fire alarm sounding. Cooking error. Disconnected alarm, then reset alarm panel.

    Aug. 6: 10:18 a.m., Route 1, two vehicle accident. PD only.

    Aug. 8: 9:11 a.m., Eddy Road, Fire alarm sounding. False alarm.

    Aug. 9: 4:50 p.m., Cross Road, Fire alarm. Accidentally tripped.

    Aug. 10: 4:50 p.m., Cross Road, Fire alarm. False alarm.

    Aug. 12: 12:39 a.m., Route 27, motor vehicle accident. PD only; 8:48 a.m., River Road, two vehicle accident. PD only, both vehicles in road. Controlled traffic until vehicles towed.

    Aug. 14: 8:43 p.m., Cross Point Road, Medical. Provided lift assist.

    Aug. 15: 10:29 p.m., Route 1 at Route 27, motor vehicle accident. Tractor trailer hit guard rail, blocking both lanes of traffic. Provided traffic control until truck was towed.

    Aug. 16: 12:47 a.m., Route 27, Paged for fire alarm sounding. Cooking /cleaning error.

    Aug. 18: 4:59 a.m., Cochran Road, Tree down across road, no wires. Removed tree and cleared roadway.

    Aug. 22: 4:53 p.m., Route 1 at Route 27, two vehicle accident, no injuries.

    Aug. 25: 12:16 p.m., Route 1, two vehicle accident, no injuries; 3:26 p.m., Merry Island Road, Medical. Provided lift assist.

    Aug. 28: 6:39 a.m., Eddy Road, Tree down across road, no wires. Removed tree and cleared roadway; 1:58 p.m., Route 27 at Eddy Road, motor vehicle accident. PD only. Car in ditch. Provided traffic control until wrecker removed vehicle.

    Aug. 31: 7:06 p.m., River Road, one vehicle accident, no injuries. Slight damage to vehicle.