Fundraising begins for housing development
The Boothbay Region Housing Trust has entered into the fundraising phase of its development of seven homes off Park Street at Alexander Way. We would like to thank our early corporate supporters Bath Savings Bank, Camden National Bank, the Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club and the J. Edward Knight Insurance Company as well as the many individuals who have generously brought us closer to selling g these homes to individuals and families that meet the Lincoln County median income requirements as set out by the Maine Housing Authority.
Construction is underway and the Boothbay Region Housing Trust anticipates the sale of the first three houses in August with the remaining four homes in October. This flagship development is the first of its kind in bringing affordable homes back into our community for those workers that contribute to the growth and well being of out region.
Please consider contributing to the Boothbay Region Housing through our website or sending your donation to the Boothbay Region Housing Trust at P.O. Box 10, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller