Boothbay selectmen recommend $2.4 million municipal budget

Proposed spending would increase by 7.26%
Sat, 02/25/2023 - 7:00am

    After a public hearing, Boothbay selectmen on Feb. 22 finalized the 2023 municipal town meeting warrant which has 38 articles and a proposed $2,431,613 municipal budget. Town Manager Dan Bryer reported higher sewer, water and heating costs were among the known factors in the budget increase. He also said some unknown and unexpected costs contributed to a higher proposed budget. He reported “turf doctor” expenses for the Clifford Park renovation, and O’Donnell and Associates’ request for a $4,000 increase contributed to a higher budget.

    “I’ve gone over it, and over it, and I don’t think I can make it any tighter. We don’t know how much maintenance for the pavilion will cost, and O’Donnell’s hasn’t asked for an increase in seven years so they have treated us pretty well over the years,” he said.

    Selectman Steve Lewis agreed with Bryer’s assessment. “I don’t think anybody wants to see a budget increase, but in this day and age, I don’t think there is any other choice,” he said. 

    Selectmen also had a final discussion on outside agencies’ requests for municipal funds. The board met with Spectrum Generations’ Regional Manager Shawn Forkey who requested $1,540 which is up from $565 received last year. Forkey explained the annual request is based on a formula. In 2023, Spectrum Generations provided services to 44 unduplicated Boothbay residents at an estimated $11,658 cost. He also reported the agency receives two-thirds of its funding from state and federal grants. “The remainder comes from fundraising,” he said.

    Selectmen voted 4-0 to place Spectrum Generations’ $1,540 request on the May town meeting warrant. But the board had concerns about a $25,000 request from the Community Resource Council. Last year, voters approved $7,500. “I know they do a lot for the community and help a lot of people, but that’s a big increase,” Lewis said. Selectmen decided to recommend a $15,000 contribution. Selectmen also reviewed a $5,000 request from Boothbay Railway Village. 

    “This is a one-time contribution for their Founder’s Day Celebration and will honor George (McEvoy) who is another person who has done a lot for the community,” Lewis said. Selectmen recommended a $5,000 contribution.

     A new Knox County-based organization requested $4,000 as a first-time contribution. The Camden-based Finding Our Voices received a reduced amount of $500. Selectmen reached a consensus to send a lower contribution which would allow Finding Our Voices a chance to return next year and fully explain its services. 

    Selectmen approved $3,000 for Maine Lobstermen’s Association’s legal fund. All four selectmen believed funding the organization’s ongoing legal battle against National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration remains important. “Lobstering is the backbone of Boothbay and without it, we wouldn’t exist,” Selectman Russell Pinkham said. Last year, selectmen sent a $1,000 contribution from their contingency account.

    Besides public hearings on the municipal budget and warrant, a third was held on Boothbay Region Water District’s proposal to increase its debt limit from $12 million to $19 million. General Manager Jon Ziegra said the debt limit was set in 2001 and, based on inflation, it would be $19.8 million in today’s dollars. “We’ve lived very nicely under the $12 million debt limit, but the price of everything has gone up and the dollar is considerably devalued,” he said. 

    The district is responsible for replacing one mile of pipe per year along with treatment plant upgrades. Ziegra said the current debt was $9 million and the district paid $500,000 off each year. Ziegra also pointed out in 2023 there was another advantage in carrying debt. “There is a lot of grant money out there and taking on debt makes us eligible for that. I’d rather spend that here in Boothbay than in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,” he said. Selectman Chuck Cunningham supports the proposal. “This makes absolute sense,” he said. 

    Ziegra plans on making the same presentation to the Boothbay Harbor and Southport selectmen. Boothbay selectmen meet next at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 8 in the conference room.