letter to the editor

Reelect Governor Mills

Mon, 10/24/2022 - 4:15pm

Dear Editor:

When Janet Mills became not only our first woman governor but also the first Maine Governor in 24 years to be elected with a majority of the vote, I wondered how she could possibly manage the huge challenges she faced – a broken health care system, a suffering economy, underfunded education, children in poverty, a housing crisis. And then the pandemic hit!

With her stunning record of service to draw on, as district attorney, state legislator, founder of the Maine Women’s Lobby, attorney general, and having raised five beloved daughters, Janet didn’t flinch. She not only understood what Mainers were up against, she knew how to help. With  support from Republicans, Democrats and Independents in a few short, challenging years she has achieved a stunning economic recovery.with job growth stronger than the national average and a record high rainy day fund of $896 million. For the first time ever, she and the legislature have fulfilled the state’s obligation to fund 55% of our K-12 school costs.

She has enabled more than 95,000 Maine people to have access to affordable health insurance and not only protected but expanded access to comprehensive reproductive health services. She also led us through the pandemic with one of the highest vaccination rates and lowest death rates in the nation. These are just a few of her remarkable accomplishments.

If you’ve ever been in the same room with her, you’ve seen  that Governor Mills’ commitment to the people of Maine is clear and unshakeable. Her enthusiasm for problem solving, for bringing people together, for getting the job done, is infectious. She is inspired by public service and is totally dedicated to making life better for every one in Maine. Thanks be, she loves her work!

Let us not only resoundingly re-elect Janet Mills, governor of Maine, on Nov. 8, let us also ensure strong legislative support and send Cameron Reny to the State Senate as well.

Susan Stedman

Westport Island