2023 will bring greater potential for estate and gift tax savings
US Taxpayers enjoy a lifetime gift and estate tax exemption. This is the amount a person can transfer at death or during life without triggering a transfer tax.
The exemption amount for 2023 is set to rise $860,000 to $12,920,000 per person ($25,840,000 per married couple) from the 2022 figure ($12,060,000 per person, $24,120,000 for a married couple).
Moreover, taxpayers can use an “annual exclusion amount”: This is the amount one can give away to any number of people each year without triggering the need to file a gift tax return or eat into one’s lifetime exemption. Each year, these amounts are adjusted for inflation.
The annual exclusion amount is set to rise to $17,000 per donee, from $16,000. This can translate into increased flexibility for transferring wealth without incurring taxes on these transfers. Families find this an excellent way for grandparents to help fund education expenses for grandchildren, often using 529 Education Savings Plans that can grow tax-free and be withdrawn tax free for qualifying expenses.
These annually determined, inflation-adjusted exemption amounts are scheduled to ‘sunset’ at the end of 2025, reverting to levels around $6,000,000, unless Congress takes action to extend them. The annual gifting exclusion amount is not currently slated to revert to lower levels.
Consult with your wealth, estate and tax advisors to understand the impact these changes could have one your particular situation.
About this blog:

Sarah Ruef-Lindquist, JD, CTFA
Sarah believes sound, thoughtful planning is a gift we give ourselves, our families and our community.
She is a lawyer and seasoned non-profit executive who has worked with dozens of organizations, individuals and families as a philanthropic advisor and senior trust officer. She holds the Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor certification and FINRA Series 7 and 66 registrations through Commonwealth Financial Network. Sarah and her husband live in Camden. The Financial Advisors of Allen Wealth Management are Registered Representatives and Investment Adviser Representatives with/and offer securities and advisory services through Commonwealth Financial Network (R), Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Allen Insurance and Financial, 31 Chestnut Street, Camden, ME 04843. 207-236-8376.