letter to the editor

We need LePage

Mon, 09/26/2022 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

Paul LePage did not fight to help himself and hurt Maine people. He loves the people here in Maine. He was a businessman and wants to help the working people and all people.

Paul is out helping the lobstermen and fishermen to keep them working. He has said and will fight Biden about the environmental restrictions and NOAA for access to their fishing grounds. We need the food and to keep them in business.

Lower taxes are needed but that is going to be hard with all the bad economy now. Paul is going to help us with that and not tax our fuel oil like Mills wanted to do.

He has said that the abortion issue is a non-entity to campaign on. We all have our own opinions and he has his. The abortion law is our Maine Constitution and cannot be easily changed. Now Mills wants to remove a law on the viability of a human fetus. She has more to take care of than this.

This is one of the nastiest and disrespectful campaigns in Maine. We need a respectable and caring person to run our great state of Maine.

We need Gov. Paul LePage with First Lady Ann LePage in 2022.

Dawn Gilbert
