Boothbay Region Historical Society holds 55th annual meeting

Fri, 05/27/2022 - 12:45pm

The 55th annual meeting of the Boothbay Region Historical Society was held May 17th at the society’s Oak Street museum with a well-attended business meeting followed by a program presented by local author Chip Griffin. President Kay Wilder welcomed guests and introduced trustees. Treasurer Sarah Giles reviewed the society’s finances for the 2021-22 fiscal year. Covid-19 restricted visitors and fundraising events, however the society is looking forward to a busy year.

Director Kathy Goldner thanked the community for donations to the society’s new scholarship fund. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior graduating from Boothbay Region High School in June. She highlighted two ongoing projects: the development of a Long Range Plan for the historical society, and a study of the feasibility of digitizing the thousands of photos, artifacts, and documents in the museum’s collections.

Kathy Tibbetts presented an update on maintenance plans for the Reed House, including replacing sagging support columns and rotted timbers in the basement and replacing siding on the entire north wall, hopefully starting this month. Phase two will include exterior painting and minor repairs. She also thanked the Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation for a three-year grant in support of these projects.

Kathy Tibbetts also invited those in attendance to browse the museum’s newest exhibit “Captains and Vessels of the Boothbay Region, 1800-1921.” In conjunction with this exhibit, the society is holding separate raffles of framed 25-inch x 9-inch historical photographs: The James E. Newsom, built in 1919 in Boothbay Harbor and the Lillian Woodruff, built in 1889 in East Boothbay.

Kay Wilder thanked retiring trustees Jim Botti, Debbe Cotter, Susan Lloyd and Jan Reit and asked members present to vote on the slate of nominees presented by Sarah Giles. Elected as 2022-2023 officers were Kay Wilder, president; Dana Wilson, vice president; Judy Adamson, secretary; and Sarah Giles, treasurer. Re-elected for three-year terms were trustees Laurie Simmons, Ann Sutter and Kathy Tibbetts. Elected to new three-year terms were Wendy Bellows, Merritt Blakeslee, and Lucy Cressey. Continuing their positions on the board are Ruth Alley, Charlie Bamberg and Judy Eastwood.

Following the business meeting, Carl “Chip” Griffin III delivered an engaging talk to a rapt  audience on the “First Maypole Dance in America: Damariscove in the 1600s.”  This year marks the 400th anniversary of the very first maypole dance in America, which took place on Damariscove Island in the spring of 1622.

For more information on summer speakers, special events and general society activities, please visit the society’s website:, or sign up for its monthly electronic newsletter. The BRHS museum is located at 72 Oak Street; 207-633-0820;