letter to the editor

Being safe and practical

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 2:30pm

Dear Editor:

Requiring a negative COVID-19 test to enter business establishments is an illogical and unrealistic approach to controlling the spread of the virus. The healthcare system is already stressed to the max with low employment levels and high testing and vaccine demand. To add an unimaginable volume of testing to these locations, many of which are already closed on weekends, would throw the healthcare system into complete chaos.

Besides, a negative test result does not guarantee one is virus free. It can take several days before symptoms or positive testing shows up. Likewise a vaccine does not guarantee one will not get the virus. However evidence has shown a substantially lower rate of infection among those who have been vaccinated.

The requirement of both a mask and a vaccine card for large gatherings is a sensible way to minimize the spread of the virus.

If someone chooses not to get vaccinated that is certainly their prerogative. There are alternative activities out there that do not require vaccine cards. The businesses that do are not being judgmental, they are simply being safe and practical.

Everyone is tired of the “Covid scene,” but this is the new reality. We are grateful to the venues that are looking out for our well-being.

Martha Amesbury

Southport and Woolwich

Anne Cyr

Southport and Buxton