LincolnHealth reports 39 cases Aug. 9-16

Fri, 08/20/2021 - 7:00am

    LincolnHealth reported a spike of 39 positive COVID-19 cases for the week of Aug. 9. The data represents the most cases in a single week for LincolnHealth since before Dec. 2020, the most tests since the end of April, and the highest percent-positive, 7.6%, since early May.

    LincolnHealth’s Michelle Lunt said the trends likely result from the widespread Delta variant activity across Maine. Though LincolnHealth continues to find breakthrough cases, or positive cases in those who have been vaccinated, the highest rate of infection remains with those not vaccinated, she said.

    “In particular, rates of severe symptoms, hospitalization, ICU-level care, and death are dramatically higher in those who remain unvaccinated,” Lunt said.

    The LincolnHealth employee vaccination clinics opened this week, Lunt said. Those who choose the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine will need their first dose as soon as possible to allow for the three to four-week buffer between shots and two-week period after the second dose when the vaccine becomes fully active. The deadline for vaccination for LincolnHealth employees is Oct. 1.

    “Dr. Dora-Anne Mills held two education sessions on Monday and Tuesday to help answer employee concerns with vaccination,” said Lunt. “Lincoln Medical Partners is also reaching out to unvaccinated employees to schedule their vaccine appointment or answer their questions about the vaccine.”

    The latest change to the visitor policy is that no one with COVID-19 symptoms may visit LincolnHealth facilities regardless of their vaccination status. Vaccination and masking in indoor settings are still the two most effective public health approaches to minimizing spread of coronavirus, said Lunt.