letter to the editor

Bearing false witness

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 3:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    Gun manufacturers and their lobby, aside from manufacturing guns and ammo, manufacture many bald faced lies.

    Among these lies is a particularly pernicious falsehood that progressives wish to take away the rights of Americans to bear arms.

    This lie accomplishes two things on behalf of the gun manufacturers.

    First it suppresses any debate or discussion about what are the reasonable limits to the rights and freedoms afforded to people who wish to exercise those rights.

    Secondly, and this is more insidious, it creates scapegoats of progressive leaning thinkers, and divisively changes the focus of any discussion from problem solving to blaming.

    As a progressive gun owner, I recognize that gun ownership is part of our cultural heritage. Many progressives enjoy hunting, gun collecting and sport shooting. But we also recognize that all rights and freedoms have their limits and are coupled with responsibilities.

    We need to find reasonable answers to questions like should criminals and mentally unstable people have unfettered access to guns? Should the right to bear arms extent to weapons capable of rapid firing numerous rounds? Should we tolerate armed vigilantes showing up at otherwise peaceful demonstrations? What are the responsibilities of gun owners, retailers and manufacturers?

    These are worthy questions and we should have honest discussions about the limits of this freedom in our society and not allow the shrill voices of a lunatic fringe suppress this conversation with their lies.

    Fred W. Nehring
