Juniper & McKown Point Column: Summer of 2020

Wed, 06/24/2020 - 10:00am

    Welcome to the summer of 2020. For those who’ve been here under quarantine, have completed the quarantine or have just arrived under new guidelines (Vermont and New Hampshire residents can now come into the state without quarantine) or are planning to come after July 1st with a recent negative COVID test, we can all say it’s great to be here!

    Generally this week’s column would be an exhortation to volunteer for the Lobster Bake, which of course is canceled. Maybe remembering next June 2021 how much we missed it this year will encourage us to sign up early, not only for a ticket, but to pitch in.

    There is an opportunity for in-person, hands on, socially-distanced volunteers: This Saturday morning, the 27th, is JPVIS Clean-Up Day to spruce up our grounds and trails. Details will be on the website and in an email. Show up at the Community House with whatever tools you have – work gloves, rakes, weeding tools. All ages and talents welcome!

    Dave and Becky and family arrived several weeks ago in order to quarantine and get tennis off to a quick start! It’s happening – clinics started Monday. Check out the JPVIS website if you are not on the tennis email list. Dave and Susan have put a lot of effort into making sure tennis is safe and fun, so let’s support our program.

    Activity nights for the juniors are on, again check the website or with Dave.

    Next week’s column will be a bit more newsy, but only if you send me something. In the meantime, stay six feet apart, wash your hands and be thankful for all that we do have this summer: