American Legion Post 36

Tue, 02/18/2020 - 10:00am

The “Oratorical” of the American Legion is a scholarship program for all high school/home schooled students. Students compete by “performing” several speeches on the Constitution. The competition starts at our Post, then goes to the Legion State competition, and ultimately to Legion National competition in Indianapolis, Indiana. Each competition is an opportunity to win scholarships up to $25,000. This year, as in the past three years, the Boothbay region was represented by Ciara Pitcher. Her presentation at the State competition earlier this month was excellent! We are all very proud of Ciara as she represented our region admirably!

The area’s lobstermen are once again expressing their appreciation to Veterans by hosting the Veterans Lobster Boat ride, this year on May 21. This great event is this year being coordinated by co-chairs Stephanie Hawke and Phil Chapman. More details will be provided as they are firmed up. All veteran are invited so bring a veteran friend and enjoy a morning on the water with a barbecue to follow. For planning purposes, reservations are requested by contacting the Legion Hall at 633-4487, Stephanie at 380-6803; or Phil at 380-7020.

The renovations on the Hall are nearing completion and the reservations are starting to come in. We will be hosting a Chamber After Hours on April 29 and will be a great time to show-off our facility. The Legion Hall is the largest open space venue in the region with plenty of convenient parking. With a commercial kitchen, Wi-Fi, and cable, it is a perfect place to hold your receptions, birthdays, anniversary celebrations, graduation parties, and company events. So, with a summer season approaching, reserving the Hall early is highly recommended.

Vietnam veterans and families don’t forget on Friday, March 27 the Travis Mills Foundation and the State will be holding their Vietnam Remembrance Day in the Augusta Armory with Travis holding a breakfast from 9-11 a.m. and the State’s ceremony from 1-4 p.m. Two registrations are: Google Travis Mills Foundation Vietnam Veterans Breakfast 2020 for the breakfast and, for the afternoon ceremonies.

A reminder for all veterans, the DD 214 (discharged document) is a requirement to obtain most all services for veterans. Veteran license plates, state recognition of service, obtaining VA healthcare, military funeral honors, and many other veteran benefits all require the DD 214. Can’t find yours? Send me an e-mail

Our Sunday breakfasts will start again on April 5 and will continue every other Sunday until Nov. 1. This year we will have some surprise additions to the menu. If you have some breakfast favorites, let us know. You never know, we just might be able to satisfy you!

Next meeting: Monday, March 9. Post 36 is located at 25 Industrial Park Road in Boothbay.