House of Pizza will return
The Boothbay Harbor House of Pizza in the Meadow Mall has closed its doors after a fire early Tuesday morning.
Owner Mark Rigas said water and smoke damage throughout the restaurant and fire damage to the back entrance has made it impossible to stay open.
Fire Chief Nick Upham said crews from Boothbay Harbor, Boothbay and Southport responded to a sprinkler alarm set off by the fire, which he determined started in the electrical panel.
Though the business is closed and the front door is boarded up, Rigas said it will be temporary while he and his family try to renovate.
“It’ll be a while, probably about two months. It’s a lot of cleaning to do – replacing the ceiling because the smoke went everywhere. We’ve got to do it right in order to reopen again. It’s not an easy job.”
Rigas said the fire caught everyone off guard, but that the community support and response have been heartening.
“I wish it never happened, but it did (and) we give a big thank you to the police and fire departments and everybody that helped and supported us. I think that says it all right there.”
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